Our Story

How it all started
The Gonsoulin Family has been raising cattle in south central Louisiana since 1770. Jean Francios de Beaumelle Gonsoulin, a land surveyor from France, registered the F2 brand in St Martin Parish, Louisiana, in that same year. Along with cattle ranchers, the Gonsoulin family boasts a long history of butchers and meat market operators. Gonsoulin Land and Cattle Company, LLC began its grass-fed business in 2006 with the mission of producing quality beef without antibiotics or growth hormones. Our beef is perfect, just as Mother Nature intended.
“...a local product, a healthy product, one that we can be proud of, that’s what makes me want to get up every day to continue to offer that to our family and friends.
— Dr Shannon Gonsoulin, DVM
We pay attention to the details. We work our cattle on horseback which results in a low stress, low-pressure environment. It may take us a little more time to do things but the cattle prefer the decreased noise levels and gentle handling. This approach also conserves precious natural resources.
Our ranch is certified by the American Grassfed Association, producer #0224. This organization conducts an on-site inspection of the ranch and allow the use of its labels on the products to be sold. This assures the consumer that the meat has met the grass-fed guidelines and has in place an inspection process from a third party.